
Vibraxtion offers industrial users and distributors in France the complete Findeva product range at the best rates.

Contact us today to receive technical advice on your current projects. Our Vibraxtion products are in stock and ready to be shipped upon request!

  1. Findeva Vibrators: The Pioneers of Pneumatic Technology

    Findeva offers the most famous range of pneumatic vibrators on the market to fit the needs of machinery manufacturers and vibratory set-ups.

    • Findeva pneumatic vibrators are designed to observe the highest performance, even under the most demanding applications.

    • As a rule and according to the new international directives, all Findeva electric vibrators comply with the ATEXIEC EN 61241-0 et 61241-1 directives.

    • In this regard, each motor is certified and can be used safely in dusty and potentially flammable environments (Certification ATX II 2 D).

    findeva Logo square

    Thanks to its great precision and flawless quality, the Swiss company Findeva offers the most renowned range of pneumatic vibrators on the market.

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    The Vibraxtion expertise

    Whatever your feasibility study, Vibraxtion is committed to helping you with all your roller vibrator needs and giving you full satisfaction.

    • Vibraxtion is above all the preferred partner for integrators in charge of the strictest industrial applications;

    • Besides, Vibraxtion makes it possible for distributors to find Vibraxtion products that will fit the standards set by their customers;

    • And finally, Vibraxtion provides all users with its expertise in industrial roller vibrators to best address their needs.

    Ref vibrators : K – DAR – GT – FP – FAL– DAR – FKL-si – FKL-mi

    Brands : Findeva